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Rehabilitation Exercises

Structural Integrity

















Structural Integrity

- Hand in hard cast 3-4 weeks

Phase 1

Cardiovascular Endurance

- Stationary Bike
- Aquatic Treadmill
- Treadmill
- Walking
- Avoid activities that have a risk of falling on the injured hand

Muscular Strength

- Continuing conditioning core and lower body with the team as long as the hand is not at risk.

Phase 2

Pain-free ROM and Flexibility

- Passive and Active ROM with the following movements of the hand: flexion, extension, opposition, abduction, and adduction.
- Also include wrist flexion, extension, radial deviation, and ulnar deviation and radioulnar pronation and supination
- May also incorporate D1 and D2 patterns for the upper body. Don't forget to emphasize finger and wrist movement.
- Rice bucket finding objects. Can also do counter-clockwise and clockwise movements.

Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance

- Add repetitions to any of the earlier exercises
- Aquatics
- Step Machine
- Physioball exercises for core muscles
- Skating

Phase 3

Muscular Power

- Shooting, working with different targets and angles
- Wrist curls, slow eccentric lengthening followed by quick concentric contraction. Increase weight as necessary


- Line drills on the ice
- Ladder drills while squeezing a stress ball

Integrated and Coordinated Movements

- Weaving tennis ball with a hockey stick through cones. Progress to a similar activity but on ice with skates
- Can combine with muscular speed exercise for stick handling. On the ice athletes start slow, skating randomly while moving the puck and focusing on keeping eyes up in order to prevent colliding with another player. Once whistle is blown athletes must move quicker. When the whistle blows twice they return to the slow pace.
Theraband Stress Balls
Rubberband Finger Ext.
Dowel with Weight

Muscular Speed

Structural Integrity

- After 4 weeks, hand is paced in a hard splint for an additional 2 weeks as a protective measure

Structural Integrity

Short Term: (4 weeks)
  • Formation of soft callus
  • Maintaining cardiorespiratory endurance and strength in lower body
Long Term: Return to full Hockey participation 12 weeks post injury 
- Hand splint must be worn for an additional period of up to 3 months during practice and training.
Short Term: (week 4 through 8)
  • Continue to maintain cardiorespiratory endurance and strength in lower body
  • Gain hand, wrist, and grip strength 60% uninjured hand
  • Pain free ROM
  • Regain activities of daily living
  • Regain fine motor skills
    • holding pencil (pinch grip)
    • typing
    • stick holding
  • Return to skating for endurance (hand in protective splint)
Long Term: Return to full Hockey participation 12 weeks post injury 
Short Term: (8 weeks to return to play)
  • 90% grip strength compaired to uninjured side
  • Confidence on ice 
  • Anger managment under control
  • Full wight bearing with push-ups 
  • Return to team skill practice 
Long Term: Return to full Hockey participation 12 weeks post injury 

Neuromuscular Control

- Push-up on BOSU
- Ball control on BOSU
- Add pertubations and uneven surface for feet as necessary
- Reaction work with tennis ball
- Dowel Races

Created by Shannon Flynn & Jordan Devenney

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